CH. Honey Bomb vd Mainly Queens (Honey)

MCO w 64
Geboren 19-04-2013


Getest op en/of vrij bevonden van:
Tested and no signs of / negative for:
BAER: 100% hearing both ears
PL (Patella Luxatie) (juni 2014)
HCM (Hypertrofic Cardiomiopathy) (juni 2014)
PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) (juni 2014)
HCM (Hypertrofic Cardiomiopathy) (juni 2018)
PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) (juni 2018)

MyBPC3-gen: N/N (juni 2018)

SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy): N/N (juni 2018)
PKdef (Pyruvaatkinase Def.): N/N (juni 2018)

De ouders/The parents

Cirrus Minor
MCO n 09 22
GIC. Mo & Co's
Follow your Dream
MCO w 64

De foto's / The photo's

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